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In our hectic world, it can be easier to give yourself a dry shave in the morning. Saving an extra few minutes every morning can seem like a good idea. But is it? Does all that pulling and scraping put your face at risk?

Shaving every day can be hard on your face. Your face is subjected to exposure from the elements every day and the rigors of a dry shave only adds to the stress and problems your face endures.

Wouldn’t it be a better idea to let our professionals at the Premium Barbershop give you a traditional barber shop shave? At least once in a while. Should you treat yourself to a relaxing barber shop shave that will have you looking your best and feeling good at the same time? Your face will appreciate the care and attention that our staff will provide.

One answer is to make it a practice to have our staff give you a shave when you stop in for a haircut. It will take a few extra minutes but it will be well worth the time.

And to make that schedule work for you, we are open from early morning until the evening seven days a week. It is our aim to make our services available to you when your schedule demands. Drop on by to any of our four locations on the east side of mid-town Manhattan, get a haircut and a professional barber shop shave, and walk out feeling like a new man.

And your face will thank you for the extra attention that comes from a professional shave.